We are currently fully staffed, but even princesses need a break! We are always looking for additional talent as our schedule continues to quickly fill. Audition to be a party princess and host. We are looking for people who can bring the sparkle and shine to every Sweet Celebrations event.
At Sweet Celebrations, we want to create extraordinary memories for every guest that walks through our doors. If you love celebrations and want to be a part of giving the most memorable party experience, you’re a perfect fit for our Cast! As a princess, you will dress up and help host events as a beloved children’s character! To qualify for the part-time on-call contract role, you must meet the following requirements:
Adore children (and their parents!)
Have an acting, musical theatre or dance background
Have improv and storytelling experience
Have a sparkling & positive personality
Between the ages of 16-22
No visible tattoos
Must be non-smoking
No piercings (other than single hole, lower earlobe)
Have a clean background (no criminal record!)
Provide own transportation
Be able to flawlessly commit to scheduled parties
Availability evenings and weekends
Attend Sweet Celebrations University to train under the best in the business
For the chance to schedule an audition, send your performance resume and pictures + videos of you dressed up (demo reel) to info@sweetcelebrationparties.com